To regulate the Consulting Engineering profession in Zimbabwe. The Association’s core objective has been to set up professional standards in Engineering Consultancy. Its Members are charged with a responsibility to society to uplift the quality of human life and generate wealth through appropriate use of engineering and technology.
Maintain a high level of professionalism and ethical practice amongst its members.
Represent its Members on issues of common interest.
Promote a high level of skill and competence amongst its members.
Prohibit its members from participating in contracting or the marketing of engineering products, thus maintaining their independence and ensuring that advice given to clients is unbiased
To recommend fee scales that will give its members fair reward for their services and at the same time ensure that the Client receives value for money.
To promote and enhance the image of its members and promote the Association as the voice for the Consulting Engineering industry.
To provide a forum for discussion of topics of common interest to its Members.
To represent its Members in discussions with Client bodies such as Government Departments, Local Authorities, Parastatals and Non-Governmental Organisations as well as Aid Agencies and Financiers.